
ProtoPie Prototype Gallery

A collection of high fidelity prototypes I created in my capacity as Master Prototyper and Enterprise Trainer. These prototypes are used for demonstrations and Enterprise client training tutorials. Those used for tutorial sessions are fully bespoke creations for each client based on their particular learning objectives and unique design patterns.

Avery Voice Assistant

This prototype is the final product of a masterclass tutorial on ProtoPie School. It is the culmination of approximately 3 hours of instruction.

This prototype makes use of features only available on the mobile device. In order to experience it, download the ProtoPie Player app on your phone and scan this QR code:

Scan with the ProtoPie Player app

Wake up Avery by saying "Hello Avery." From there initiate a conversation with one of the following commands:

  1. Say: "What's the weather like?" When Avery asks what time you're going out, answer: "Five o'clock."
  2. Say: "Play a song." When Avery asks what song you'd like to hear, answer: "Dreams."
  3. Say: "Stop the music" to have Avery stop playing music.
  4. Say: "Nevermind" to dismiss Avery at any time during the conversation.

YouTube Shorts

A recreation of the Shorts section of YouTube's mobile app. Videos automatically start and pause in response to vertical scroll interaction from one post to the next. Videos can be individually paused and resumed just by tapping on them, and you can even leave a Like on your favourite!

Start prototype

Scrollable and Sortable List

The final product of a step-by-step client tutorial, complete with mobile and smart watch variations of the same interaction.

Start prototypes:

TV Browse and Stream Experience

A TV UI experience similar to Netflix, Prime Video, Apple TV and other popular streaming services. It features horizontal scrolling category navigation and a fully featured video player inluding fast-forward and rewind with a thumbnail preview.

Start prototype

This prototype responds to keyboard input. As such it is best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer.

  • Navigate with the UP / DOWN / LEFT / RIGHT arrow keys
  • Press ENTER for Select / OK
  • Press BACKSPACE to go back

Bunny vs. Wolf Game

A unique game making use of a mobile device's microphone to detect loud noises such as the sound of hands clapping. This prototype is the final product of another masterclass tutorial on ProtoPie School.

This is another prototype you'll need to run on your mobile device. Download the ProtoPie Player app on your phone and scan this QR code:

Scan with the ProtoPie Player app

How to play:

  • When the game starts, bunnies and wolves will appear at random.
  • Clap your hands when you see a bunny to score a point.
  • Clap for a wolf, and you'll lose a life.
  • Clap for three wolves and it's game over!

Facebook Reactions Tray

The Facebook app has a number of unique and novel interactions. One of which is the reactions tray where you can add your reation to a post with a clever press/hold/slide gesture combination. I created this prototype for a step-by-step client tutorial covering advanced interaction patterns.

Start prototype

Press and hold on the "Like" control to raise the reations tray. Slide your finger left and right to choose a reation, then release.

Lucky Fruits

A digital version of the classic tear-away lottery ticket. This prototype generates three fruits at random each time you play. See if you're a winner!

Start prototype

Photo Crop Interaction

I created this prototype as a tailored advanced workshop for a client that was interested in learning how to create image manipulation interactions.

Start prototype

Map App

This prototype makes use of multi-touch gestures to pan, zoom and rotate the map.

As this prototype makes use of multi-touch gestures, you'll need to run it on your mobile device. Download the ProtoPie Player app on your phone and scan this QR code:

Scan with the ProtoPie Player app